Yvet Austeen

Age: Looks to be in her mid-twenties
Nameday: 25th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Eye Color: Crimson
Hair Color: White with grey tips
Notable Features: A scar than runs above her left eyebrow and crosses to below her right eye, Albino complexion, full body tattoo
Likes: Apples, Mead, Pleasant Conversations, Chocolate, Pears
Dislikes: Blood, Hospitals, Grime, Uncleanliness
Personality: She's a little distant and hesitant when it comes to forming new friendships, and she will be the first to skitter away if someone spooks her, but she can't help but be allured by fantastical conversations. She's got a bit of a dark side to her as well, despite her outward exterior. Suppose you'll just have to keep reading to see!
Fluent - Common Eorzean, Veena (Vieran)
Conversational - Elezen, Old Auri
Learning - Huntspeak, Sign Language (Common, Veena)


It's been a few hundred years since Yvet was born to this world, nothing more than a little rabbit child to her tribe. She spent her time learning to hunt, gaining proficiency with a bow, taking game back to her tribemates are she grew older, more adept. But one day, she took on a beast she couldn't deal with on her own. Beaten, marred, and bleeding to death, she was on deaths door when someone mysterious came to her from the shadows of the trees she lay under, whispering to her of a new life. All she need do was take it... And she did.She returned home with a scarred face weeks later, thought dead by her friends and family. And really, she might as well have been... Her pulse slow, her body weak to the sun. She's burned easily before, but now it was unbearable, like she were actually on fire. Welts would appear before her eyes if she ventured out for even a moment. And the thirst... it drove her mad. Nothing she ate or drank could sate the growling of her stomach, the need burning in her throat. It wasn't until one of the tribe's other hunters had come home, arm broken from falling from a tree that she knew something was seriously wrong with her. She crept into the healer's place that very night and drained the girl where she lay, unable to help herself... and fled before the sun rose the next morning.It wasn't long before that mysterious man found her again, as if he'd been waiting for her to return. He took her to his manor far from that place, where they lived for the next 50 years, learning how to live as a monster, how to survive. She was tasked with taking in people from the streets, giving new homes to people who wouldn't be missed... and using them as feeders.When she became unable to stomach this any longer, she left the man, the lord, behind, and made her own way in the world for the next 450 years, keeping to the sidelines as she began to weaken from her new feeding habits... She refused to drink from people, instead going to butchers for animal's blood, the revolting taste like sawdust on her tongue... but it was better, she thought. Much better than the alternative. Most of the time, she simply watched from the sidelines, learning of the world she'd hidden from passively. Other times, she stands at the center of the room, plucking at her harp for all to see. Still, she remained detached from others, wary of them and the ties socializing was bound to bring.And yet, for a time, she became bonded with an Auri lad named Arik Nokhoi. At first, he was nothing more than a friend, someone to speak with to pass the time. Then, she took him on as her student, teaching him math, learning games from him in turn, and really putting herself out there in terms of her musical prowess so she could provide and impress him. They grew close, closer than she'd ever come in her long life to anyone else, and over their lessons and shared love of operas and theatrical performances, they came to love one another. She taught him how to write his own name, the name of his dying tribe, and cared for him like no other. And then... He simply disappeared.She was heart broken, tending to the gardens he himself took so much pride in around their home, and simply did her best keeping alive all he'd left her. Every now and again, she'd tenderly pull a small book from her bookcase. A child's book, thin and full of pictures, with a bookmark nestled inside made of a glowing flower housed in resin. An heirloom passed onto her as the symbol of his family. Sometimes, when she' practices her music alone, she'll be found crying, though she does her best to not do so whilst in front of others.Recently, she's started a new chapter in her life... though she still walks uncertain. A Veena mercenary has turned her attention away from her hurting heart, and instead fixed her gaze upon a new horizon. With the gruff promise of seeing sights she'd never seen before, she's taken to exploring new depths, taking up her bow again... and seeing the world anew. Not only in Eorzea - But in the New World as well. A land she's never seen before... with people she's never spoken to. And in her long life? That's a gift more precious than anyone could know.

Other Info (21+)

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Other: She's not interested in romantic connections, move along! Shoo shoo!
Mood Songs:
- "Everything Stays" as played by Callimara/Callimusa
- "City of the Dead" by Eurielle
- "Eat Your Young" as sung by Annapatsu


  • Wild Things: Perhaps you're a hunter of the unnatural, or maybe you're simply perceptive, but this bunny is certainly not supposed to be here.

  • Kindred Spirits: There's plenty to find when roaming Eorzea... Even if it's another of the supernatural. Come have a chat and rest easy with someone who might understand.

  • Like a Doll: Fair skinned, pink eyed, almost like she'd break at any moment. Yet even as you look her way, she seems to notice and gives a soft, delicate invitation. Will you take it?

  • Minstrel: Whisperings tell tale of a fair skinned bunny that plays solo music in the Quicksands. Perhaps you'd like to hear her play, or maybe you're a fellow bard? Either way, she's happy to play or sing for those who ask~

  • Divorcee/Widow: Wearing certain clothes, a small, bite sized mark can be seen along the curve of her neck. This was the mark of her bond with her husband, but since his disappearance, it has begun to heal over, leaving her fingers to idly itch at the spot when she's nothing to occupy her hands. Maybe you recognize this mark, or wish to ask about it!

  • Child of the Voidsent: Perhaps you're aethericly sensitive, or you're well versed in hunting those like her. There's always the undertone of a coppery tang beneath her perfumes and that unsettling heavy feeling wherever she goes. Please send a tell if you want to use this, as this would need discussion first - that is, if you wish to hunt her down.

Bard For Hire

Yvet is an aspiring solo bard, more than happy to play for little to no coin depending on how long you would like her to play at your establishment or event. Her playstyle is limited to only harp for now for stylistic reasons.Currently, she holds many types of music within her repertoire, including music from Studio Ghibli, Disney, various games and animes, as well as a few more modern pieces for various artists like Panic! At The Disco, Ed Sheeran, and Bruno Mars. Though, if you'd like a particular feel for your event, do let me know when inquiring about bard services!If you wish to see her perform for yourself, you can find her playing throughout the day within the Quicksands -or- at Ukiyo on Fridays, link provided below!This page is still a work in progress! I am currently putting together a complete list of songs that Yvet knows and will add that here as a google doc when that is finished and organized!